Trademark registration OSIM, EUIPO, WIPO
The registered trademark is the most valuable thing that a company can own because: it can be sold, licentiate, evaluated. It ensures a stable customer base, generates income and reputation. That is why it is very important to register the trademark and obtain a certificate issued by OSIM, EUIPO or WIPO.
In order to register a national trademark an application for trademark registration will be submitted to OSIM. It can be submitted directly, by mail or electronically.
The payment of legal fees will be followed by the publication of the registration application, the examination of the application with the decision of admission to registration, the period of 2 months of oppositions and the certificate issuance.
The registration procedure is considered completed when no more objections can be filed, OSIM’s decision on the opposition is final or the opposition has been withdrawn.
One of the most frequent questions we receive is about how much it costs to register a brand with OSIM; we can answer this question, but even more importantly, we can get you a discount of up to 75% on trademark registration fees.
The European trademark is registered by the European Union Intellectual Property Office through a procedure similar to the national one. A national trademark registered at OSIM may also be registered at EUIPO. A European trademark ensures protection in all 27 European states. The EUIPO trademark registration procedure can be done by EU member applicants as well as by persons outside the Union.
To register an international trademark, a trademark application is submitted to WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). The application is submitted through OSIM, provided that there is a previous national registration or the establishment of a regulatory national deposit. In addition to the advantage of filing a single trademark application and obtaining protection in several countries, another advantage is given by the price for international trademark registration, so that the fees are much lower than those that would have been paid in the case of a trademark registration at national level in each of the states where protection is sought.
Considering the value of trademarks and the importance they have in determining the market success of a product, you need to make sure that the brand is registered on the relevant markets for your business.
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